Check in / check out |
Check in: 15:00, check out: 10:00 |
Facilities |
Free parking within the property, free use of barbecue, garden/park, outdoor shower |
Beach type |
Sandy beach, rocky beach, concrete beach, pebble beach |
Proximity |
200 m from beach, 200 m from sea, 5000 m from shops, 5000 m from downtown, 200 m from restaurant, 5000 m from infirmary/hospital, 5000 m from the closest public transport (bus etc), 30 km from airport, 30 Km from train station, 15 Km from the ship / ferry port, 4500 m from the closest settlement |
Robinson tourism |
Electricity generator, solar cells electricity power, water supply from the city water pipe, GSM signal is reachable, access to the property is a macadam road in good condition, gas refrigerator, gas hob |
Internet |
No internet in the property |